Open an internet browser and navigate to to access the new Dodge Digital Asset Management (DAM).
The DAM is set up with Single Sign-On (SSO). You can log in directly into the DAM or to the login screen. Click on LOGIN AS EMPLOYEE to trigger the RBC sign-in and enter your computer email and password.
You are now in the DAM. The home page or hub gives access to different areas called Spaces. This includes New in the Last 30 Days, Marketing Campaigns, and Upcoming Events.
Available Assets: This takes you to all available assets in the DAM.
New in the Last 30 Days: This takes you to the most current assets added within the last 30 days.
"Tigear-2" Marketing Campaign: This space contains assets used in the current marketing campaign and changes monthly.
Upcoming Events: Links to upcoming trade shows and events.
All Marketing Campaigns: This takes you to a collection of assets used in all our marketing campaigns.
Navigation Bar: Move to the navigation bar at the top of the page. Click on the hamburger drop-down for menu options:
Back to the navigation bar.
As you navigate through the DAM, the question mark provides additional help.
The easiest way to find content in the DAM is to use the Search field at the center of the navigation bar.
Step 1. Enter keywords into the search field. The top results appear in the drop-down as you type in a keyword.
Step 2. Everything related to your keyword(s) displays on the screen.
Step 3. There are filters to narrow your search results.
Additional filters (Industry, Product Category, and Status) will show if applicable.
Step 4. Once you have filtered your results, you can select the asset(s) you want to download or share in three ways:
Step 5. Go to the Basket in the upper right-hand corner to view selected items. You can now download, add to a collection or share with others.
There are several ways to download and share assets:
Step 1. Add the asset by clicking on the add to basket icon:
Step 2. Several download options are available in the drop-down. Choose one and click "Download."
Download as a PDF
Download original
*If your asset is a PDF do not select Download as PDF.
Step 3. Clicking on the ellipsis on the asset:
*If your asset is a PDF do not select Download as PDF
Step 4. Opening the asset and clicking on the share link:
Step 5. Go to the download icon located on the title bar and click the icon.
Step 6. With all methods, a message will appear at the bottom of the page letting you know the download is in process.
Step 7. A notification shows your download is complete.
Step 8. Now that you've downloaded assets, there are several ways to share them.
To share assets:
Step 9. Share from an asset itself:
Step 10. Click on the ellipsis and a drop-down opens. Go to "Sharing Options" and choose the appropriate option.
Step 11. To share from the asset detail page:
Step 12. A detail page opens. Click on the share icon located on the title bar.
Step 13. To share the asset from the Basket:
Collections allow you to group assets together for later use or to share with others.
Step 1. To create a collection, search for your asset from the search field and select the ones to add to a collection by clicking on the Basket icon.
Step 2. Go to the Basket and click on the ellipses to "Add to collection...".
Step 3. You can also add assets to a collection by going to the Collections overview page under the hamburger menu.
Step 4. Select "Create collection" by clicking on the ellipse at the top of the page.
Step 5. Fill out the title and description of the collection. Click the "Create" button in the top right-hand corner of the page.
Step 6. To add assets to your created collection:
Step 7. Once you complete the collection click the "Share" icon
Step 8. You can create collections for your own use, share with others, or for example while working on a campaign.