The main Dodge Industrial SwipeGuide page,, contains user guides for different Dodge Industrial products. Click a specific guide to get started!
Each user guide contains organized categories of specific, step-by-step instructions. To access instructions, click the appropriate item under a category.
Within a set of instructions, the right and left arrows at the bottom of the page can be used to navigate to the next or previous step accordingly.
Within instructions, each step may contain a warning, tip, alternative, or fix note. When one is present, they will be available and will provide a popup with helpful information when clicked.
A warning will exist to highlight a critical note, such as a potential problem before it happens or to notify a user that certain steps cannot be undone once completed. Take extra caution when completing a step with a warning!
A tip will provide additional helpful information should you be having an issue with a step
An alternative note can be available when there is more than one way to complete a step or to note certain steps can be skipped.
A fix note will be shown when there is a common problem(s) users may experience and the note will highlight how to solve the problem(s).
On the main Dodge Industrial SwipeGuide page, you can use the search feature to find available guides.
To use the search feature, click the magnifying glass icon and type keyword(s) you are looking for.
Within a specific user guide, you can use the search feature to find available instructions.
To use the search feature, click the magnifying glass icon and type keyword(s) you are looking for.
As you navigate through different user guides and instructions, you can provide feedback if you feel important steps are missing or some information is incorrect. Feedback is welcomed and regularly monitored to continuously improve the resource for you.
To leave feedback for an entire user guide, click the feedback icon in the top right corner.
To leave feedback for specific steps if you have a specific question or get stuck trying to complete a step, click the feedback icon in the top right corner.
If you have an urgent issue, please contact the Dodge support team at